Avoid taking Tea with following foods, it can be dangerous


Tea is an integral part of social and cultural life in India. It is the most commonly consumed beverage, after water, and is enjoyed throughout the day by people of all ages and backgrounds. In India, tea is often referred to as “chai” or “masala chai,” and is made by brewing loose black tea leaves with milk, water, and a blend of aromatic spices such as ginger, cardamom, and cinnamon. The resulting tea is a rich, flavourful concoction that is traditionally served in small, clay cups called ‘kulhad’ or ‘chai glasses’. Often, it is enjoyed with snacks like pakoras/bhajiyas, samosa, namkeen, toasts and biscuits along with some sweets. But, did you know some of these dishes might be toxic for your body?

1 Spicy or strong-flavoured foods are highly seasoned, spicy or strong-flavoured can overpower the delicate flavour of tea, making it difficult to fully appreciate the tea’s aroma and taste. Examples of such foods include garlic, onion, hot sauce, curry, and chili.

2. Foods that are high in acidity, such as citrus fruits, can interfere with the absorption of catechins (antioxidants) found in tea. If you consume acidic foods at the same time as tea, it can reduce the amount of catechins that your body can absorb

3 Sweet foods – While sweet foods like cakes, biscuits, and chocolate may complement the flavour of tea, consuming too much sugar can cause a spike in blood sugar levels, which can lead to energy crashes and other health issues. It’s best to consume sweet foods in moderation and pair them with a tea that has a complementary flavour.

4 Fried or greasy foods- Fried or greasy foods can be heavy and hard to digest, which can make you feel sluggish and uncomfortable. Tea can help aid digestion, but pairing it with heavy foods can negate this benefit.

In general, it’s best to choose light, savoury snacks or delicate pastries that won’t overwhelm the flavour of the tea. Foods that are high in fibre or protein can also help slow down the absorption of caffeine, preventing jitters and crashes. Ultimately, it’s up to you to experiment with different food and tea pairings to find what works best for your taste buds and body.


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